Holiday's without our Emily
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My First Christmas in Heaven

I see the countless Christmas trees
around the world below
with tiny lights, like Heaven's stars
reflecting on the snow.

The sight is so spectacular.
Please wipe away the tear
For I am spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs
that people hold so dear
But the sounds of music can't compare
with the Christmas choir up here.

I have no words to tell you,
the joy their voices bring.
For it is beyond description,
to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me,
I see the pain inside your heart.
But I am not so far away
We really aren't apart.

So be happy for me, dear ones,
You know I hold you dear,
And be glad I'm spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year.

I sent you each a special gift,
from my heavenly home above,
of my undying love.

After all, love is a gift
more precious than pure gold.
It was always most important
In the stories Jesus told.

Please love and keep each other,
as my Father said to do.
For I can't count the blessing or the love
He has for each of you.

So have a Merry Christmas and
wipe away that tear.
Remember, I am spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year.....

This poem was written by a
13 year old boy who died of a brain tumor that he had battled for four years. He died on
December 14, 1997.
He gave this to his Mom before he died.
His name was Ben.

 Towards the clouds

I looked toward the clouds today
and for a moment saw your face
And wondered just where you have gone
with the hope it's a peaceful place

Did you show yourself to me today
to tell me you're all right?
Or was it just a daydream
playing tricks upon my sight

Then I thought of when you left
still too young to say a word
Yet the look you gave us said it all
in our hearts, your good-bye was heard

You have changed our lives forever
your short time here not in vain
and hope you know we tried it all
to keep you safe from pain

We will always feel the void inside
because you are not here
But each new thought you send our way
let's us know you're always near

So until our journey nears it's end
and we hear the Angels sing
We'll face each new day as it comes
and live off the Love you bring.

Written by James Sullivan

 Angels are forever

We were chosen to become the family of a very special child.
Who would come to earth from Heaven and visit for a while.
There are mothers who give birth to babies, too good for this world of men.
They touch our lives for a moment, then travel Home again.

This was to become our destiny. And, Why? We need not know.
For a parents greatest gift is to nurture and love a child with a perfect soul.
Our baby was born an Angel and stopped to pause this way,
Blessing us with sunshine, as we thanked the Lord each day.

Our child was like a ray of perfection and could not journey long,
The source of power being God Himself, quietly called our Angel Home.
As we walk in Springtime meadows, with nature posing all around,
We see the beauty of our little one in every sight and sound.

Whenever I gaze at this beautiful world, or look at a blue sky above,
I know that Angels are Forever
Warming our hearts with their light and love.

Author Unknown

I will see you through

I will see you through
I know it was not easy, for you to let her go,
but love like yours would not hold back, your love to suffer so.
And so I took her quickly, so she would never know,
a lengthy time of darkness, that would distress her so.
I left her body here awhile, so you could have some time,
to be prepared to let her go, she was already Mine.
I bid her come while happy, with joyous plans ahead,
and laughter in her face and heart, and not one thought of dread.
You have the most to suffer, your loneliness to bear,
but know that she is safe with Me, within My loving care.
And never doubt My love for you, I know you wonder why,
just know My strength will be your joy, My love will never die.
I bore my son's own suffering, and I will bear yours too,
give me your doubts and pain and hurt and I will see you through.

Author Unknown

I'm free

Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free
I'm following the path God had laid, you see
I took His hand when I heard His call
I turned my back and left it all
I could not stay another day
To laugh, to love, to work, to play
Tasks left undone must stay that way
I found peace at the close of day.
If my parting has left a void
Then fill it with remembered joys
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss
Oh yes, these things I too will miss
Be not burdened with times of sorrow
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow
My life's been full, I savored much
Good friends, Great children, A loved one's touch
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief
Lift up your hearts and peace to thee
God wanted me now, He set me free.

Author Unknown

For Emily's  Mommy~

Hi Mommy
It's me, your little Angel
Just checking in with you.
I know you're sad
because I'm gone,
and Mommy I'm sad too.

It's beautiful here,
wherever I am,
there's such a lovely view.
But mostly when I'm sitting here
I'm looking down at you

I see all your feelings,
everyday when I look down,
I love to see you smile
and I know sometimes you frown

But guess what?
I have a job to do.
God saved it for your little girl.
I get to watch over you
and protect you from the world.

So though you cannot see me
and I know it's hard on you,
You'll surely see the benefits
of the job God has me do.

Author Unknown

For Emily's Daddy ~

Don't cry for me Daddy
I am right here
Although you can't see me
I see your tears
I visit you often
Go to work with you each day
And when it's time to close your eyes
On your pillows where I lay
I hold your hand and stroke your hair
And whisper in your ear
If you're sad today Daddy
Remember I am here
God took me home
This we know is true
But you will always be my Daddy
Even though I'm not with you
I am Daddy's little girl
We will never be apart
For every time you think of me
Please know I'm in your heart.
I Love you Daddy!
You're Baby Girl

Author Unknown